Subdivision plan proposed for Parliament Oak School site

Lord Mayor and members of Council

It is our understanding that this proposal will be discussed again at a Public Meeting in November. Prior to considering the size and layout of the subdivision, we request that Council examine and respond to the zoning issue.

The existing Official Plan already shows the property as Open Space and Community Facilities (the online version posted as updated July 2017). This is the text from the existing Official Plan, with (2) being where Low Density Residential Use is identified as a potential use:



(1) In the Open Space and Community Facilities designation shown on the Land Use Schedules the following uses are permitted:

Main Uses:

Active and passive neighborhood parks, elementary schools, health care facilities, churches, day care centers, cemeteries, museums, historic sites and similar community servicing uses.

Secondary Uses:

Uses permitted with a Main Use:

– minor sports fields, playground equipment, associated parking areas and small concession stands.

– accessory buildings and structures

(2) All lands designated open space and community facilities except for municipally owned parkland within an Urban Boundary as shown on the schedules to this Plan may be re- developed for Low Density Residential Use subject to a site specific zoning by-law amendment. This policy recognizes that institutions and community facilities may cease operation, redevelop or reduce in size.”

How does the current proposal qualify as Low Density Residential?

We look forward to engaging in public discussions with Council on this matter and wish to emphasize that the intention of The Niagara Foundation is to see appropriate development that maintains and complements the Town’s special heritage and architectural elements, with a clearly expressed policy that allows both applicants and Town staff to meet established requirements.


The Board of The Niagara Foundation

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