Goettler Family Foundation Pledges $1 Million To Help Safeguard The Wilderness

November 13, 2022

The Niagara Foundation is pleased to announce a $1 million pledge by Lauren and Vaughn Goettler, and the Goettler Family Foundation, towards the acquisition, stabilization and protection of 407 King Street, better known as “The Wilderness.”

“We love our home in Niagara-on-the-Lake and think heritage attributes like The Wilderness contribute to making this a special place to live,” said Lauren Goettler.

“This generous gift will further the Foundation’s efforts to acquire the half interest in The Wilderness we don’t already have claim to,” said Lyle Hall, incoming Niagara Foundation President. “We want to acquire this heritage property and honour its unique place in the history and culture of Niagara-on-the-Lake.”

The Foundation claims its half-interest through the Will of Ruth Parker, one of three sisters who owned the property. Ruth passed away in 2013. The Executor of Ruth’s estate determined that The Niagara Foundation was the organization to respect her wishes that the heritage elements of The Wilderness be preserved and maintained for the benefit of the public.

The Goettler Family pledge kicks off a fundraising process that will extend into 2023. “This is a great start to a larger fundraising effort,” said Hall. “Acquisition is the first step. Then, we need to determine how best to realize Ruth Parker’s wish of preservation and maintenance of this historic property.”

“Our hope is that this gift provides a catalyst for others to step forward and assist the Foundation in this worthy cause.” said Vaughn Goettler. “Let’s do something we can be proud of for years to come.”

The Niagara Foundation is most grateful to Niagara-on-the-Lake citizens Lauren and Vaughan Goettler, and their foundation, for this most generous pledge towards The Niagara Foundation’s campaign to safeguard The Wilderness.